
Membership subscription categories

Join today for your 12 or 24 month membership. All fees include 15% GST.


1 yr $69.00

2 yrs $115.00

Professional, recreational, part time, full time glass artist.


1 yr $97.75

2 yrs $172.50

Husband/Wife/Partners, both working as glass artists. It does not apply to groups, or 2 people working together in one studio.


1 yr $69.00

2 yrs $115.00

Galleries, museums, libraries, collectors etc.


1 yr $34.50

Full time tertiary only - Student ID required.

Member benefits

Your membership allows you to benefit from:

  • Reduced entry fees to the biennial glass conference.
  • Information via members-only newsletters, emails and social media updates.
  • Discounts on sponsored workshops and events.
  • Your own artist profile page on the NZSAG website.

Full members have speaking and voting rights at NZSAG general meetings.